
Tara's headTara: I’m a self-confessed holiday addict who loves to write, so I’ve definitely found my dream job here as a creative copywriter for Wyndham Vacation Resorts Asia Pacific.  With a never ending bucket-list of ‘must-visit’ destinations, it’s my mission in life to explore great new places and  there’s nothing I love more than writing about my adventures.  From the back alleys of China and Japan to Germany’s Blackforest and the farmhouses of Provence, I’ve always enjoyed taking the road less travelled.  I look forward to sharing everything I learn along the way!

Blog author 1 - AngieAngie: I spent much of my childhood backpacking through South East Asia with my nomadic parents. I remember staring wide-eyed at a snake and mongoose fight in Thailand, countless tuk tuk rides, motorbikes, airports and creaky boats. I remember my legs wobbling from volcanic tremors and a monkey stealing my beach towel.

I began my life a traveller and a traveller I will remain. Today, I take my own son travelling every chance I get.

In my quest to explore every inch of this incredible planet, I have been lucky enough to write for National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Australian Geographic and a handful of lifestyle and travel magazines. Now I am very fortunate to write for Wyndham Vacation Resorts Asia Pacific, where I get to fuel my passion for writing every day.

kat blog author imageKat: Looking back on my childhood, my fondest memories are those that were made whilst travelling with my parents, who placed a great emphasis on exploring the globe and embracing the varied cultures our wonderful world offers.

Now as a parent myself, I aim to give my own child the same opportunities, and luckily, my occupation as a food, lifestyle and travel writer allows me to do that on the job! Join me as I continue to discover our beautiful nation, and beyond. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you all.
Stacey Grims

Stacey:With more than eight years’ experience in the media industry, Stacey started out as a journalist with Fairfax Community Newspapers before moving into her first public relations role in Brisbane, Queensland. She has been with Wyndham, based at the Gold Coast corporate office, for more than two years and has experience in media relations and events, creative writing, news reporting and corporate communications. Stacey has a passion for travel and is always on the lookout for that next adventurous holiday experience both in Australia and overseas. Her other interests include trekking, bike riding, good food and discovering new cultures.

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